Demo 6
Blenbridge can convert .vtk files to .ply format. In this way a mesh can be updated or overhauled, then reconverted and reused. However, there are some other paths for use of .vtk as input. Below are some objects created in Febio Preview, then exported in .vtk format. The idea is to put these together in Blender.
Two of the three objects are shown in Edit mode in Blender after having been converted by Blenbridge. They have been imported separately, so only one of them can be selected at a time. We will call them the ‘plug’ and the ‘block’.
The ‘tube’ is imported and takes its place beside the ‘block’. When it comes in, it nails the ‘plug’. There is no need to adjust the position of either. The intention is to make an object with a blind hole.
Here is a bottom view. The ‘block’ will be grabbed and moved along the x-axis with 5-place accuracy, after which the group will be joined.
In Object mode the three are joined.
Joining unifies the object. Then the ‘Remove Doubles’ command cleans up the interface.
The product can be used as mesh in any finite element environment, and, as far as we know, cannot be assembled this way in Febio Preview.